Captain Swan in the snow

10 years!

Hi, your friendly moderator here. Just to let new people who are surfing through know, some of our posts are locked down to members only for certain reasons. Please feel free to join us, we'd love to have you!
Also? It's been about 10 years since they filmed this, it aired October 2003.

10 years whoa.
dream team //;; wandavision


I don't know if anyone's out there anymore--and I hope this is okay but I am looking for some help. I vaguely remember a few scenes that I wanted to gif but I can't remember what ep their from and my internet lags so much that watching them on youtube is beyond a pain.

I know Tarzan/John watches Jane in the 2nd episode, when she's crossing the street with Michael but anyone else remember any other times?

I also remember a time where he grabs her and gets her out of the way or shields her with himself...

Also, was she dressed up at one point--or was that a fic I read? *sheepish blush*



Ive recently joined this group, but have loved this pairing for years. Im on the hunt for some fic but there doesnt seem to be a huge amount of it about.  Could anyone help me?

 I  also rememeber a few years back there was a really good forum which i think has now been taken down had tones of really good fanfic.  Does anyone remember it and nows any sites where the fic could have been moved to?
stock bw walking

Those (mostly?) unreleased Tarzan stills

These are pretty much scattered throughout LJ, I think. I've tried to get as many of them as possible together here. Images courtesy of jr24tw.

Not included here are the Tarzan stills that were actually 'released' as promo (my hard drive crashed last year and took the ones I had with it), plus I'm certain that there's at least one of the non-released shots that's missing from this batch (gorgeous Jane-Sam shot. Couldn't find it).

If you have, or can point us to, any more Tarzan stills, I will gladly add them to this post.

Click the image below to go to the pictures (59 in total) or get them all as a zip file from rapidshare.
Captain Swan in the snow


No idea when this is from but whyyyyyyyyyy Travis? That beautiful hair! Gone!
*is shallow*


ETA: Wow, it's now July 2012 and they have only just decided to air The Beast here. Bravo.
Elementary: Square

Fic: Breathless, PG

Hey there...

I wrote a shorter drabble, this time from John's perspective... I think it'snot as "good" as the first one, but I felt like I should post it anyway: there's not enough Tarzan fanfiction being written as we speak!
so let me know what you think of it...

Title: Breathless (He truly felt)
Rating: PG
Length: 668 words
Summary: John reflects on loneliness and the fact that he won't feel it again...
Disclaimer: I do'nt own anything, I'm just playong with the WB characters, so don't sue..
A/N: If somebody feels like beating the piece, go ahead: I'm French, and my English is bound to suck sometimes.


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Elementary: Square

Fic: Blush, rated R at worst

Hey there, it's my first Tarzan drabble, it's unbetaed and I know it's not that great, but this idea came to me, and I had to write it down, let me know what you think....

Title: Blush
Category: Drabble
Spoiler: at least through 1x05
Rated R, at worst as sex is alluded to...
Disclaimer: I don't own nothing, I'm just toying with the characters, so don't sue...

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P.S, mods, I have no idea how to tag this appropriately, so feel free to remedy to that.
Captain Swan in the snow

The Episodes

Hi everyone! Look at this community, alive and well thanks to the Awesome that is Sarah Wayne Callies methinks. Thankyou everyone who contributes with their icons and graphics and fic and thoughtful flailings.

Okay here are all the episodes again, uploaded to Megaupload as they are lost on page 2 now. Please tell me if any of these downloads don't work. Cheers!

Tarzan, all episodes